Archive Mode. Call April | 9th Annual PleinAir Salon ended on 4/30/20, 2:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

Partly Sunny

Partly Sunny, Plein Air Work ONLY
Partly Sunny
Pastel (Nupastels and variety of all soft ) on Clairfontaine Pastelmat.
During our travels from NJ to Florida in the month of November, we hit a rain storm and had to pull over in North Carolina.
On the other side of the road was the wheat field with a sliver of sun still on it.
During this Corona virus home bound time, I look at that picture and remember the lovely scene unfolding before our eyes.
A sliver of sun is all we need and to remember never to take for granted our wonderful planet EArth.

Plein Air Work ONLY    15 x 9.5